Here are a couple of my favorite fashion dolls... They truly are works of art. The detail that goes into creating these dolls is huge ! Not so long ago one could only hope the Mattel company had something better to offer then the same old song & dance with barbie who barely moved let alone a barbie you can really pose. The fashion dolls of today make barbie look prehistoric. Today these dolls are similar to the ball jointed dolls... with movement of their arms, legs, feet & hands thus allowing you to pose them so they look natural. In fact some of these dolls after being posed and pictures taken look like real people. They really are amazing...

I do not claim any rights to these beautiful images... For that matter I take awful Pictures chopping off heads and so blurred you cannot tell who is in the picture... These images belong to the talented artists and photographers who took them... I think all art should be appreciated and shared by everyone to admire ... Probably why we have art galleries... DUH ! If you cannot appreciate art... then why would anyone create?

In the fashion doll world, they also " re-paint" their dolls faces, thus creating a one of a kind fashion doll all your own. Here is a beautiful example of a " re-paint" now you have to be an artist or some type of skills in order to pull one of these fashion dolls off ! And I have neither... So I admire from a far....

These two fashion dolls are Sybarites... and one of my personal favorites !