Just another miniature & crafty blog, with some purchased finds in miniature as well as some created by me. I love all things made into miniature. And admire all those who create them. My other passion is all things crafty...
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Strangest Experience
I just had the most bizarre experience that made the hair on my neck and arms stand completely on end ! While I was playing with our Chihuahua, our usual playtime in the morning... and once play has started for our little dog she is focused on nothing else... but attacking my hand under the blanket ! All of a sudden she froze and turned on a dime to look towards the bathroom door... I have never seen her with full teeth bared and all her hair standing up, she was barking like her life depended on it. Now she can't jump onto my bed, it's simply to high for her, but as she was barking at the door she was backing up to the point she was about to fall off the bed ! her gaze was focused on the door and then she slowly followed what ever she was seeing to the corner of the room, then slightly upwards and back to the bathroom door... I grabbed her, still barking and placed her on the floor... never once taking her eyes off the bathroom door, but backing herself out of the bedroom... I'm staring at the same area of the room she is and I see nothing ! But alarm bells for me personally are going off ! I just made the statement out loud " Go Away Now ! " said a quick prayer, grabbed my dog and got the hell out of the bedroom ! the two of us ran straight into my eldest son who was shaken by the way the two of us were looking and went into the bathroom... he said it was really cold in there ( even though the heater had been on the rest of the house was still warm) needless to say it creeped him out and the three of us hung out in the livingroom until my husband got home... maybe it was nothing, then again maybe it wasn't... it was just creepy as all hell...
Friday, November 19, 2010
The Things My Kids Will Do When Bored !
All kids complain about being bored, mine are no different... Yet when it comes to their peers... well lets just say that my kids have no shame or really care what others think, to which I am proud of them...being yourself or being true to yourself is priceless... so this is how my kids express themsleves and without a care as to who's watching them... basically they are crazy ! Here's proof...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Recent Completed & Re-Cycled Jewelry
Some more jewelry created from old or un-used jewelry I have found all over the place. It really pays off to have daughters that love to wear shiney things and then forget about them ... that is my access pass to come in and bring them back to life as something new again !
Our Little Sweetness
We can all honestly say as a family that the little addition in the shape of a baby Chihuahua was one of the best things that has happened to us all ! We have always had big dogs, and had never considered ( well I did ) getting such a small furry thing that would weigh less then 4 pounds. Especially since my husband has told all of us "no more pets people"... Which still makes me laugh, since he fell in love with her at first sight ! "Baby" which has been her name since we got her, has brought us all such joy and laughter, as well as a couple of scares that brought us all to tears... I just wanted to give her a little praise from all of us... We love her so much !
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Re-Constructed Jewelry
Here are a few necklaces I created out of old jewelry and findingd I found at the local craft store...
Making Jewelry From Various Objects
I just love the fact that making jewelry from found objects or from other jewelry pieces is now in fashion ! Making old things new again, and again... depending on how many times you choose to take apart any one item to use. Here are a few so far...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bolts & Brackets Bracelets
I love having a husband who is in construction... He always has various materials laying around the garage. Not to mention that he has far more then he will ever use... or never miss anyway ! And his hobby of working on his cars leaves an endless supply of nuts and bolts. So off to the garage I went in search of supplies. And I found lots of goodies to work with. "Thanks Honey" I will never complain about your messy garage again ! And a few purchases from the local craft stores...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Few Found Objects, Pliers And Some Imagination
After cleaning out a few drawers around the house I found a few things to take apart and put together as something new ! I do so love the whole steampunk style, so I decided to try creating a few things with stuff I found at home. Not to mention I really needed a new keychain... Here is what I can up with.
Since my husband is a general contractor he always has nuts and bolts laying around... and all sorts of other little goodies... Next I sorted through all my old scrapbook supplies and found all sorts of metal embellishments to add to my lastest creations... It was fun and easy... and doesn't take skill other then imagination, which we all have...

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I Found A Real Talented Artist In Polymer Clay
I found the blog " Les Ethiopiques - Voyages In Polymer Clay" http://lesethiopiques.over-blog.com/ ... Her creations are stunning and very unique. She has taken polymer clay and made it look like real leather ! I am a child of the 80's and thus still have a love for leather...much to the dismay of my children. So upon finding this blog I was thrilled ! On top of her beautiful work, she also features tutorials in images that make it look soooo easy, unless your me I suppose. But today I am going to give it a try. Check our her blog, you won't be disappointed. Don't forget to try her links to other French artists who work in polymer clay as well... Man, the French really have the polymer clay thing down... Enjoy !
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